Qualitative safety advice, training & occupational hygiene measurements.
A selection of the most fascinating projects to date...
Industrial Hygiene:
- Measurements
- Risk-Analysis: qualitative and quantitavive
The most fascinating occupational hygiene measurement campaign was in Norway. At a pilot installation to refining metals at high temperatures, dust exposure has been mapped with more than 50 stationary and personal dust measurements (950 element analyses). This was evaluated in accordance with EN-689 and Norwegian legislation.
Detecting Critical Risks
Every entrepreneur wants to prevent fatal or serious accidents with permanent disabilities. HYSA has tested a methodology where it can make these critical risks visible and offer solutions.
Risk Analysis and Safety and Health Standards
Different kind of risk analysis can be performer in the domain of safety and occupational hygiene. The risks are identified company-wide. This is supplemented by department specific analysis such as mobile work equipment and traffic safety, noise analyses, HAZOPs, SWIFTS, ...
Safety & Health standards or procedures could be developed out of the risk analysis.
Proactive KPIs to get ahead of incidents...
It is important that all data immediately is collected after an incident.
HYSA uses the ICAM methodology (Incident Cause Analysis Method) for the Investigation and analysis. ICAM finds its origin in the aerospace Industry of Australia. It is a structured way to find underlying causes and makes the root causes visible. A fact tree or cause tree is then easy put together.
Sometimes it is possible to anticipate or predict accidents with well-defined proactive safety KPIs and goals. They are leading indicators that are statistically much more accurate than subsequent indicators. The possibility of setting them up depends on the safety requirementsmaturity of the company and is therefore company specific.
Erik has coordinated, prepared and inspected maintenance stops or TurnArounds in Belgium, the Netherlands and France.
At certain stops, up to 1200 contractors passed by for 3 weeks and the works continued 24 hours a day.
Erik has the certificate of Safety Coordinator A (Belgium).
Nyrstar, Imerys Talk Gent, AB-InBev Leuven, Eurocontrol Maastricht, HE-CO construct Bocholt, Bayer Medical Care Maastricht, Vasco Group Dilsen, Borealis Geleen, Metallo Belgium, Prevent Leuven, Humat, SOS Safety opleidingen, Cosanta, JBF Global Europe, Prebes, ArboUnie, Premed, Chemours Belgium, Brightlands Chemelot Campus, Defensie België, Umicore Hoboken, Legrand AV Netherlands, EUROPORTS Belgium, Heraeus Electro-Nite, JORISIDE, Chemours Mechelen, Rotec Arendonk, Atlas Copco Wilrijk, Van de Velde, Vandezande/Vamenco, Constructiv, ICL Grobbendonk, HAVI, OCI-nitrogen Geleen and Safetywise Solutions Melbourne.
Other expertise
- Registration and evaluation of hazardous substances management; gloves risk analysis.
- Qualitative and quantitative risk analysis of hazardous substances.
- Job observation program.
- Evaluation or preparation of emergency and evacuation plans.
- Advice on new construction or renovations.
- Workplace inspections or company audits.
- Fit testing of respiratory protective equipment and associated training for the use of respiratory protection.
- Noise measurements, individual personal measurements (dosimetry) and drawing up noise maps.
- Dust measurements and source detection.
- Measuring and training for carrying out gas measurements in confined spaces.
- Climate measurements: dry, humid and radiant temperature, air speed, humidity, CO2, air speed/draft, ...
- Updating safety and health standards.
- Safety education/training/toolbox meetings in-house or through partners.
Discounts for training are possible via 'KMO-portefeuille (in Belgium only).